Lake Park, IA 3 Bedrooms for Sale

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508 2nd Street Lake Park IA, 51347


Who knew lakeshore living could be this easy? Notable features include a 2016 build with quality low maintenance materials, low approach west facing shoreline with great sunsets, and one level living on a heated slab and a concrete safe room. This 3 bed 2 bath duplex offers an open concept layout with lake views from the kitchen, dining, living room, and primary bedroom. There are two guest rooms, a guest bath, plus a large laundry room and plenty of storage space throughout. Additional storage can be kept off the garage in the concrete safe room, including walls & ceiling. The garage is adequately sized for two vehicles and is heated. There is a nice size lakeside yard space. Contact listing agent for a full list of build details.<br><br><strong><b>Legal: </b></strong>Lake Park Plat by Cory Etals'Ly PT Lots 1,2,& 3 BLK 12 AKA Unit 2, Dickinson County, Lake Park, IA. Exact legal per abstract and warranty deed

250180 MLS#
2 Baths
3 Beds
1567 Sqft
eXp Realty - Spirit Lake, Seth Hellinga (712.336.0336)
New Listing

304 3rd St Lake Park IA, 51347


Invest in lakeshore living and start making memories at this 3 bed 2 bath home along the shores of Silver Lake. You will likely find most of your time sitting outside on the large lakeside patio, situated just off the water's edge, west facing for breathtaking sunsets. This area is accessible from the walkout lower level and the upper level deck. Many upgrades have been completed on the home in the last 10-15 years offering low maintenance ownership, this includes; a single car garage, entry way, Thrasher System, 200 amp power, patio and handrail addition, plus replacement of the roof, deck, siding, exterior doors, and most windows. The main level features 2 bedrooms, a full bath, eat in kitchen, and lakeside living room. The lower level is partially finished offering a large family room, 3rd bedroom or “bunk room”, and a 3/4 bath. This property offers nice privacy and a convenient location to the City Park, ballfields, pool, grocery store, coffee shop, and other amenities.<br><br><strong><b>Legal: </b></strong>LAKE PARK PLAT BY CORY ETALLOT 9 BLK 5 & S 1/220' ALLEY & PT VACUNUSED ST ADJ TO SILVER LAKE, DICKINSON COUNTY, LAKE PARK IA. EXACT LEGAL PER ABSTRACT AND WARRANTY DEED

250212 MLS#
2 Baths
3 Beds
1968 Sqft
eXp Realty - Spirit Lake, Seth Hellinga (712.336.0336)


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